Accepting Reality Ep #30

Accepting reality is a common barrier to success in lifestyle changes, nutrition, exercise, and weight loss. Many individuals struggle with accepting the reality of their busy and stressful lives, constantly waiting for the "perfect" time to make positive health changes.

Have big plans to implement exercise and meal planning "when things will settle down soon"?

Overwhelmed with work or caring for kids or aging parents and waiting to prioritize your own health "after all of that is under control"?

I get it. These struggles ARE real. But it's critical you don't let them win. Don't let them steal the important priority of good health—especially because good health has a trickle-down effect, so the better your body is running, the better you can do the things you love with and for others.

So next time you face an obstacle to your exercise or health routine, adapt and accept modified versions—that's better than doing nothing as you wait for the ideal opportunity! 

By accepting reality and taking action, even in small ways, you can make meaningful changes in your health and well-being. Waiting for the "perfect" time may never happen, so it's crucial to do what is possible in the present.

In this episode of the podcast, I give you insight and ideas, so you'll want to take a listen!

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