The Menopause Menu with Dr. Susan Baumgaertel

In today's episode, we're thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Susan Baumgartel, the brilliant mind behind the book "Menopause Menu" and the creator of an incredibly valuable free resource and blog website designed to offer support during menopause and beyond.

Dr. Baumgartel's motivation to establish this resource sprang from the increasing spotlight that menopause has been getting in mainstream media. It's clear that this topic deserves attention, and Dr. Baumgartel is here to help you navigate this phase of life with expertise and care. 

Her goal  was to provide something super useful not just for the ladies but for guys and anyone who's got a hand in supporting women going through the menopause rodeo. She went all in on teamwork, roping in a bunch of different folks to throw their two cents into the book's content. And, wouldn't you know it, this cool group effort birthed a pretty awesome resource for cruising through the menopause journey. So, it's all about teamwork and making that menopause journey a bit smoother, folks!

Weight Gain in Menopause

Menopause, it's quite a phase in a woman's life. You've got all these twists and turns, and it often hits right when you're dealing with, well, everything else. Your kids might be moving out, you're looking after your parents, work and relationships could be shifting, and health matters might creep up. It's like a juggling act!

Now, here's the kicker – all these things can shake up your exercise routine, diet, stress levels, sleep, and even your social life. And guess what? They can also shake up your weight. It's a big ol' chain reaction going on.

During menopause, these hormonal shifts start happening, especially with estrogen taking a dip. And that can lead to some extra belly fat and losing a bit of muscle. So, yeah, weight gain, especially around the middle, is common.  Not the best news, right?

And, when you're not as active, your sleep can get all wonky, and stress levels can hit the roof, making these changes even more of a hassle.

So, instead of solely focusing on diet and exercise, it's crucial to address underlying factors like stress and sleep to improve overall health. Prioritizing your health over the number on the scale is key.

Navigating Emotional Weight Gain: Reframing the Discussion on Body Changes

A lot of us, can get pretty hard on ourselves when our bodies change. We start fixating on what we think are flaws and imperfections. When we can’t change our body, we CAN change that mindset.

Think of menopause as a midlife journey where you tap into your inner wisdom and rediscover your strengths, whether they're physical, emotional, or spiritual. It's like your personal growth adventure where you let go of those crazy societal beauty standards. Instead, you focus on stuff that makes you feel good and boosts your self-esteem. It's all about well-being and loving yourself for who you are, rather than stressing about appearances.

In summary, the changes that come with menopause as a natural part of life. We should focus on overall well-being and self-care, recognizing that our worth is not solely defined by our appearance.

Managing Night Sweats in Menopause: The Impact of Exercise and Alcohol

Many women experience night sweats during menopause, and here's a neat trick to tackle 'em: regular exercise! You know, getting your cardio on daily can help your body, like, get the hang of regulating its temperature. That's super handy for those annoying hot flashes in the middle of the night.

But be careful about exercising right before you hit the sack. Exercising too close to bedtime can totally get your body all revved up and effect your sleep. So, instead, plan your workouts for earlier in the day. That way, you get all the cool-down and sleep-improving benefits of exercise without any late-night disturbances.

Now, when it comes to alcohol, there's this interesting link to night sweats. It's not, like, a direct thing, but it can mess with your sleep quality, temperature control, and hormones, potentially making those night sweats worse. Some women have found that cutting back on alcohol helps them deal with hot flashes and night sweats. It's worth considering if you're going through it. 

Discovering the Benefits of Plant-Based Eating in Menopause

Now, let's talk about going plant-based for a sec. Making that switch can seriously amp up your health game, and it's not just about feeling good in general. Plant-based eating can actually help you deal with some of those pesky menopause issues.

Here's where it gets interesting. Some plant-based foods, like miso soup with tofu, are like real heroes when it comes to menopause. It's all about these cool components they have, like phytoestrogens from tofu and isoflavones from miso. These little wonders might actually give you some relief from those menopausal hot flashes and whatnot. So, you might wanna think about adding these goodies to your menopausal menu for some symptom relief and an overall well-being boost.

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