Habits pick up where motivation leaves off- changing your approach to weight loss and health changes

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast! Today, we're diving into a topic that's bound to put a smile on your face: motivation and why it might not be the magic ingredient you've been searching for to achieve your goals. 🌟

I was inspired to talk about this because I stumbled upon a quote on the internet about motivation and commitment. This quote comes from none other than Jim Ryan, an Olympic runner, and it goes like this: "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." Isn't that a mind-blowing concept?

I often hear people throwing around the word "motivation" as if it's the key to success. "I'm just not motivated," they say when discussing their struggles to make positive changes in their lives. But here's the thing: motivation is fleeting. It comes and goes like a passing breeze.

So what exactly is motivation? At its core, motivation is the process of spurring yourself or someone else into action. It's what makes you want to do something. The catch? It's easier said than done. Sometimes, we can be super motivated one day and not at all the next.

The problem is that we often assume motivation will always be there for us when we need it. But that's not the case. Instead of relying on motivation to drive us every single day, we should focus on turning our motivation into habits and commitments that will propel us towards our goals.

I want to bust a common myth: the notion that only highly motivated individuals achieve success. This isn't true! Motivation, in many ways, is a chemical reaction in our brains—primarily involving dopamine, the pleasure hormone. People with conditions like depression or ADHD might struggle with this aspect of motivation, but it doesn't mean they can't succeed.

Motivation can be broken down into two parts:

The "Why" or "What": This is the inspiration, the dream, and the vision. It's what gets you started. For example, wanting to lose weight to fit into a specific pair of jeans or to prevent diabetes.

The "How": This is where commitment and habits come into play. They provide the structure that transforms your motivation into action. You need a plan to achieve your goals.

Here's the first essential step beyond motivation: Set a realistic goal. Your motivation is the inspiration, the dream, but your goal must be practical and attainable. When it comes to weight loss, setting a realistic target is crucial. Not everyone needs to lose a massive amount of weight to improve their health. A 10-15% weight loss can have significant health benefits. So, your goal should align with what's achievable for you.

Commitment is where motivation leaves off. It's the unwavering resolve to keep pushing forward, even when motivation wanes. Many people find it easier to honor commitments to others, like work responsibilities or appointments. But it's equally important to honor your commitments to yourself.

To turn that commitment into action, you need to establish habits. Habits are the daily, weekly, or monthly routines that bring your commitment to life. They provide the structure to keep you on track, whether you're motivated or not. For example, if your goal is to exercise regularly, schedule your workouts and make them a non-negotiable part of your routine.

Now, let's talk about backup plans. Life is unpredictable, and your habits can be disrupted. This is where backup plans come in handy. When your usual habit is temporarily interrupted, having a backup plan ensures you stay on course. For instance, if your habit is to cook healthy meals at home, your backup plan might involve keeping nutritious, pre-made options available for those busy days.

Reward yourself! Motivation often comes from the excitement of achieving a goal. But when you're working on long-term changes, those immediate rewards can become scarce. So, create your own rewards for reaching milestones. These rewards can be anything that brings you joy, from a new workout outfit to a relaxing bubble bath.

So, what's your homework? Commit to a healthy habit, no matter how small, and make it a part of your daily routine. Write down your goal, create a plan, and don't rely on daily motivation to follow through. Remember, motivation is like a flickering flame—commitment and habits are the enduring fire that will lead you to success.

Cheers to your journey towards achieving your goals and creating lasting change in your life! 🌟💪

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